Sunday, April 21, 2013

What He Says...What I actually Hear. Topic: Meeting the kids.

Recently I met a guy that I've been spending a lot of time with. I don't know if he cares if I say his name on here or not so I'll refer to him with a nickname. Lets call him....Really Tall Guy.

So RTG has some baggage. Divorced with 4 kids. Meh, he's pretty awesome so we are disregarding that.

One of these children is, as of recently, living with him.

In a text conversation (I'll be editing his grammar and spelling mistakes in these quotes) he types:

"You do understand it will be a while before you meet the kids."

All I heard was, "We'll be together long enough and you'll be important enough to meet my kids."

New sub-blog: if that's what you would call it.

So I'm funny most of the time. I'll be sharing posts going forward taken straight out of my amazingly awesome life.

The posts will be titled: What He Says...What I Actually Hear.

This will be from exact things that are said to me. My cousin thinks it will be funny because I tend to say that I lot when telling her stories of my love-life.

So yea. Stayed tuned.