Monday, December 20, 2010

(Pop) Punk Rock Awesome

Since I'm back into blog-mode, I'm going to say a little about something I've been obsessing over for about the last 36 hours.

The Composure's new album: String Attached.

I met these guys (Cory and Paul front and center) back at the beginning of 2008. They were recording in Chicago and crashing at my best friend's place while they were in town. We had a tradition of going out on Tuesday nights and they joined us for the night. 10 Rootbeer Slammers later, Cory and I became friends.

Here we are almost 3 years later, friendship still strong, and they've just released their album. I feel like a crazed soccer mom with the way I've been bragging about this album. It's awesome. I won't just say that I love any friend's albums. Although, I may have immense respect for what they've created, I'm not always a fan of the tunes. However, these amazing dudes from Pittsburgh have created a gem.

I urge you to check out this powerful record with all of Paul's killer vocals. It's available on iTunes:

"Strings Attached" on iTunes

It's also probably available at both:

Modern Short Stories and
The Composure

You could also wait until they come back to town and play at Reggie's in February.

My favorite tracks include: On the Run; Stop Now, Start Again; and Oh, Haley.

Watch the video for "Stop Now, Start Again" on YouTube.

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