Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy B-Day...The "B" stands for "Blow Me"

...since you've all been missing my wit.

Starbucks has only ONE TIME, in the history of asking me, "Do you want room?" at the top of my coffee, actually given me enough room to put in the proper amount of cream. I give up. I will forever drink my coffee black. Grrrrr

In a mad room cleaning escapade, I discovered an old Vans (Steve Caballero to be exact) notebook with "Honesty Policy Greeting Cards" hand printed on the inside cover. On the pages following were numerous ideas for greeting cards from the 2 brilliant minds of Mr. Rob Campobasso myself.-----After reading them all, I’m convinced that this was a genius business idea and I’m seriously considering moving forward with the creative process. A sneak peak of what you’re in for:

Front: "Congraduation."
Inside: "Finally a greeting card as lame as you are."

Front: "Get better."
Inside: "Or not."

"I really don’t want you to come, but I invited all of your friends
and I figure someone will mention it to you eventually and you’ll
show up anyway. So here..."

Front: "Happy B-day"
Inside: "The ’b’ stands for ’BLOW ME’ "

AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE (originally thought of when I was frustrated with someone I worked with that seemed to keep following me from high school)
Front: Picture of a school bus with a face (headlights for eyes, grill for nose, fender for mouth, license plate for teeth), a smiling sun, happy animals, etc.
Inside: "I hope you get hit by a bus."

Stay tuned...

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